Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring is Coming!

Snow melting, birds chirping, sun shining can only mean one thing: Spring is Here! 

7th Graders enjoying lunch on the Dining Hall porch.
At Garrison Forest School spring weather means putting away GFS sweatpants, sitting outside during lunch, and spring sports. Although we will miss wearing boots to school, and having snowball fights outside, spring is the season we all look forward to. I asked several 7th graders what they look forward to about spring.
“The thing I love about spring is when I ride outside at the barn.”-Kara F.
 “I like how the campus is so beautiful and really shows what GFS is all about.” –Ayanna D.
“Lax season!”-Cammie G. 

 As you can see, spring is awaited by everyone  for all these different reasons! 
-- text and photos by Hallie A. (Special thanks to Ayanna, Cammie, and Kara)  


  1. Countdown to spring break: less than 2 weeks! This also means less than 2 weeks to the annual Faculty vs. Kids Basketball-a-palooza on the last Friday before spring break! Bring it on, girls!

  2. Im so exited about Spring! Its the best time of the year!
