On Friday the Seventh Grade had a unique opportunity to spend time with preschoolers from Baltimore City. The ARK preschool for homeless children brought the children to Garrison Forest School for fun and games.
The Ark School is a school that supports homeless preschoolers ages 2-5 by giving them an education, and providing a calm and soothing environment where they can play and be a normal preschooler. The ARK stands for Noah’s Ark because it was a safe place for everyone during a time of need and the founders of the Baltimore Ark want it to be a safe place for the preschoolers. Garrison Forest seventh graders have supported this cause by creating a carnival every year for five years. The morning started out when half the Seventh Grade ran games and painted faces. The preschoolers loved getting tattoos and their faces painted. The parachute, obstacle course and ball pits were a big hit with the seventh grade and preschoolers alike.
After the Preschoolers and Seventh Graders were finished playing, they went back to the middle school for some yummy snacks and story time! The Ark kids loved the having books read to them, and even got to take some books home!
By the end of the morning with the adorable and energetic preschoolers, the Seventh Graders were just as tired as the preschoolers were. This was definitely one of the favorite service projects that the 7th graders get to make happen!
To learn more about the ARK and all they are doing to help the preschoolers check out http://www.ecsm.org/programs/ark.php
-- Text and Photos by Jessica M. and Brooke F. (Class of 2016)